Monday, October 18, 2010

California Dreamin' Part Two - 10/18/10

Saturday came and we drove out to St. Helena to visit Uncle John and Aunt Gail. We also got to see Cousin Scott and his new fiance Kendra - congrats to you both!

After a great tour by Uncle John of St. Helena, Calistoga and a pit stop at Turley Winery, we spent the day watching our two football teams lose bad.....

....Avery was right in the middle of all the action.....

....all the cheers and smiles......

....but as the scores got worse, daddy had to use his special earmuffs to shield the little one from the rants directed at USC and Arizona :) Hey, at least the Giants won their game later that day!

We had a great time visiting wine country and had a delicious meal at Uncle John and Aunt Gail's later that afternoon.

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